Pamela Dean, a seasoned programmer, website designer, and passionate OSINT enthusiast, emerged in the field of Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) while participating in AOL’s geopolitical forum boards back in the late 90’s and witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of inadequate intelligence sharing and analysis. Driven by a sense of righteousness and justice, she committed herself to learning about geopolitics and improving her investigative practices, although at the time, she didn’t know that monitoring and collecting information was called OSINT.
Over the years, she honed her cybersecurity skills, continued her online involvement in Middle East politics, worked at the United Nations as an application developer, attended NYU’s School of Continuing Professional Studies where she earned her Information Systems Security certification, earned her Security+ and Network+ certifications, and in 2024, earned eight OSINT CTF Achievement badges from Hacktoria, and earned three OSINT Achievement badges from KASE Scenarios, of which she is most proud.
She is the editor and owner of hacktress.com, has collaborated with different people on various social media platforms, wrote and contributed to various blogs, while developing websites for non-profits and fighting injustice online in various capacities.
Except for the nearly four years she was employed at the United Nations, her personal efforts to defend the oppressed have underscored for her the critical role of OSINT in safeguarding the civilized world.
“I envision a world where goodness triumphs over evil, and I am committed to contributing to that vision by spreading kindness and knowledge wherever I can. And if that entails inspiring positive change even among those who have acted negatively, I am willing to embrace that challenge.” – Pamela Dean, OSINT Analyst
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